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Our Process

Our iterative design process is the meaning behind our logo. Each step in our process can be as simple or complex as necessary to create a learning product for your workplace that effectively achieves your goals within your timeline and budget. Our team includes instructional designers, content creators, audio and video production, course developers and learning consultants.

Needs Analysis

We start by understanding your business goals and the expected outcomes of your learning program. Working with your L&D team and business leadership, we develop a picture of how this project will fit into your overall learning landscape and serve your L&D strategy.  


Capabilities Model

In consultation with your subject matter experts (SMEs), we develop a detailed model of the skills required to successfully execute the job at hand. We document the required proficiency level at each stage of development and assess how that need is being met in the current environment. We perform correlation analysis between the existence of each skill set and job performance.


User Analysis

Understanding the learner is key to designing effective learning strategies. We work with your team to develop learner personas, yielding insights into the learning methods that will be most engaging, compelling, and yield the most lasting knowledge transfer into the workplace setting.



Instructional designers (IDs) take the output of the analysis phase of your project, develop learning strategies that optimize results for your learners, and create storyboards reflecting the content, assessments, and flow that your course will ultimately follow. Our IDs use learning neuroscience to identify the learning methods that are the best match for your learners, the content you need delivered, and the skills learners need to transfer to your workplace.



Once storyboards are approved Course Developers (CDs) convert them into beautiful, engaging, multimedia courses, expertly designed to keep your learners engaged an interested. They build in  assessments that generate meaningful learner analytics, to give you insight into the effectiveness of your courses and individual learner performance. Then, CDs work with your team to test and review to course to ensure that the end product aligns with your organization's objectives.



Once the course is fully developed and tested, we work with your team to implement your custom-designed launch plan, whether that involves importing the finished product into your LMS using SCORM or building natively, deploying a 360-degree video on a virtual reality platform, or delivering a proprietary business simulation.


And the work doesn't end here. Our iterative process model means we can engage with your team for continuous improvement of your learning program to optimize results as new learner data comes available.

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Let's Work Together

Our learning program development process is founded on models proven effective through years of testing. Let's give it a try on one of your projects.

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